Topic on Talk:Children

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Mentioned earlier in the Family Planning talk page -

I'll "briefly" sum my arguments for seperating children & reproduction:

  • Babies and children are dramatically different. Babies have no learning, they can't move, they have baby-exclusive food, items, and moodlets. They are explicitly seperate in the pawn generation screen. Babies are a better fit to pair with reproduction than children are, because they are what you directly get from reproduction.
  • Children can be obtained outside of pregnancy / reproduction. Quests can spawn with child pawns recruitable. As far as I can tell, this is not true for babies.
  • Massive pages are clunky to read. For example, if I wanted to know about psyfocus, I would have to load the entire psycast page, and can't really scroll or skim through it - lest i miss the section. If I would to search "Children", I would start at the beginning of this page, and have to scroll through the entirety of Reproduction. While the TOC exists, it is easier to use if the page is shorter.
  • There is a substantial amount of information and analysis for pregnancy / baby growing and preventing pregnancy. There is a substantial amount of info and analysis for children raising. Both analysis sections are totally unrelated to each other.

Basically, children and babies act and feel like 2 entirely seperate systems, so deserve their seperate pages. "Children and reproduction" makes no sense when you can get children 100% outside of reproduction.