Topic on Talk:Sow

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Hordes (talkcontribs)

"Sow", when refering to the verb for growing plants, is not used in the singular tense very often in Rimworld. If you priortize growing crops in a single tile, the game calls it "Priortize sowing area", despite the actual command only refering to one crop. Sow/Sowing is not a particularly common term in English, anyways.

Meanwhile, Sow is the default name of any female pig in the game, both wild and colony joins. If a player doesn't know what a "Sow" pig is or does, it is likely for them to want to arrive at pig. If players want to get to "growing plants", then there are links directly on the Pig page to get there.

(the edit reason is probably enough, but I wanted to correct what i meant by "Sow is rarely used")

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