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Revision as of 03:56, 21 December 2023 by MortalSmurph (talk | contribs) (Added base info for Point Values and Multipliers)
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PopulationIntent is the mechanic describing how strongly the Storyteller is trying to give the player an opportunity for another Colonist.

PopulationIntent has two major factors which can be generally understood as current population and time since last colonist joined. The storyteller takes this PopulationIntent value and adjusts the chances for events like Slave Traders, RefugeeCrashPods, and Enemy Death on Downed.

The storyteller's desired population number, and populationintent, in no way alter the size, type nor frequency of major threats, diseases, instant kills, or other negative events.

Adjusted Population

Adjusted Population is a population total based on all colonists, children, slaves, prisoners, and guests on all player map tiles and caravans. Babies are not counted.

Babies include all colonists under 3 years old. Age | AP 3-4 | 0.5 5-6 | 0.6 7-8 | 0.7 9-10 | 0.8 11-12 | 0.9 13+ | 1

Multipliers Prisoner: 50% Unwavering Prisoner: 25% Slave: 75%

Population Adapt Days