Agony pulse

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Revision as of 21:39, 21 May 2024 by Slam0602 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hello! I don't really know how to make a wiki page, however there's nothing about "Agony pulse" yet, so I'll quickly write something. Agony pule is caused when colonists has...")
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Hello! I don't really know how to make a wiki page, however there's nothing about "Agony pulse" yet, so I'll quickly write something.

Agony pule is caused when colonists has an unknown back story from the Anomaly DLC. if a surgical inspection is made on a Human who does this, this will be the results: "(human) detected a faint but painful psychic presence emanating from (human) but failed to understand what was causing it"

This Event is very rare, and seems to only trigger when humans are grouped up, though it could be random. when psychic Agony happens, all humans near by will gain a 100% pain for a little bit, then 25% soon after, which last between 2-5 days.

Again, I don't know how to make a wiki page, But I hope it helps someone, Please if you know how to make a wikipage please make this better, or not, pretty unlikily most players will experience this.